Das nwebs Team im internationalen Newsletter des Center für Innovation und Entrepreneurship des KIT

Wir haben im aktuellen Newsletter des Center für Innovation und Entrepreneurship (http://cie-kit.de) des Karlsruher Insitut für Technologie (https://kit.edu) die Möglichkeit bekommen uns einem internationalen Publikum vorzustellen – vielen Dank Christian Schwarzkopf, Tim Lagerpusch und Team!

Für unsere Blogleser hier der Artikel mit aktuellem Teamfoto:

We are a team of young, professional „knowledge workers‟ including consultants, developers, engineers and designers from the south of Germany.  Over the past few years we have worked on sever-al projects around the world with around the clock demands via the Internet.

To support the daily work of „knowledge workers‟ we are developing a platform for the daily work of this knowledge intensive work. Out platform plans tasks for yourself or your team and allows for the exchange of documents within your team or with clients.  Our software is the virtual office for your team and your-self where you can exchange every document and collaborate on top of it. Our support solution is call „Trip‟.

Most of the concepts that power „Trip‟ were developed while our team was working together on client projects. We tried to use e-mail, switched to a shared folder, tried version control systems and then various Wiki-systems. We ultimately used a customized bug tracking system in combination with an instant messaging tool. Although we were able to make use of it, new employees and customers could not. That was in May 2009.

Time and productivity was being lost. We had found ourselves missing information about context, relation and version. Data had become our master and what’s more information was often lost in endless email conversations. Since January 2010 we have designed and developed „Trip‟, our tool to solve the prob-lem.

„Trip’ the social work graph

„Trip‟ has been built to be fun to use. „Trip‟ is as easy as a paper-based list, fast like instant messaging and email. It is team orientated but also helps individual users organize documents and tasks. We have created a platform to assist you and your team in the administration of collaboration. Users can upload documents and work with them. They can manage different versions and track what happens. All the communication needs of your team can now be placed together in one system.

The sophisticated access control of „Trip‟ lowers communication overheads by enabling users to exchange documents with customers and clients on the same platform and activities can be tracked. The architecture of „Trip‟ was built to be extendable and progressive with even more sophisticated project management tools as „Trip-Apps‟ scheduled for later this year.

Please join our beta version and give us your feedback!

Visit http://gettrip.de and sign up today.

Der komplette Newsletter CIE-Newsletter_Spring2011 mit weiteren Beiträgen u.a.  conthon (http://www.conthon.com/)  und commentarist (http://www.commentarist.de/)